Word for Gods children

2022 July 11 Word for Gods children

I asked God today in humble prayer what He would like to tell His children. Here is what He said. Take it to the Lord as always:

Tell them I love them. I long for the time when I can come and scoop them up in my arms. I am coming soon. My desire is to end their suffering. I have desired this from the beginning. I don’t enjoy seeing my children suffering. I long to have them with me and bless them with everything I have waiting for them. I have so much in store for them, beyond what they can imagine. Please know, my children, that I am with you until the end. I would never leave you or forsake you. The waiting is necessary, for my elect, so more may be saved. Once it is over, we will have eternity together and you will see, this time of suffering now is but a very short time in the larger picture. I am coming soon. That day or hour, I cannot tell you, but it really is soon. Please keep your faith strong and wait on me. Don’t let your lamps die out. Call on me to help you and strengthen you, and I will answer you in your time of need. Look to my face always and incline your ears to my voice as I guide you through these difficult times. (I see His eyes tearing up). Oh how I long to wrap my arms around you, my children. I love you all so much. Please don’t listen to the enemy’s lies when he tells you that I’ve forgotten you. I am with you until the end. I desire a relationship with you. I desire for you to spend time with me and learn from me and sit at my feet. Do not fear the things coming upon the world or that are already here. The world is run by fear, it is full of fear. This fear is not of me. Did I not say in my word that I would protect you and provide for you? You must have faith in me and my word, my promises. Do not side with fear. It is the wicked that should be afraid, because my judgements are coming and have already begun.

Soon I will take my firstfruits home, and my innocent, and some will come back to assist my left behind, my 144k warriors. It’s a matter of time. Things will keep getting progressively worse for this world, but for my people, those that put faith in me, things will get better. It is a great sorting that must take place, a shaking, to test the faith of my people and bring in the lost sheep and wake up the lukewarm. Many who did not know me before will come to me. There will be a great harvest like the world has never seen. There will be war, famine, pestilence and persecution, but my faithful ones will find safety and be provided for. There will be safe havens. Do not be afraid. I am sending my angels. The world is in my hand, I have all power over the enemy. His power is an illusion. He can only do what I allow him to do. My will is perfect and loving and true. Do not be afraid, my children. I allow these things to happen that are necessary for my perfect will to be accomplished. I desire for all to be saved and many will be, as many that choose to turn to me, as I give them every opportunity to repent. So many have been misled, and I allowed them to be as a test, that very few have passed, my precious firstfruits, whom I am so proud of, because they took the narrow, difficult path of faith, truth and love. I am love. I am the way, the truth and the life. Noone comes to the Father but by me. Search for me as for hidden treasure and don’t give up.Keep looking up, your deliverance is near. Keep looking after each other, and encourage each other until I come. I love you always, ~ Your Lord and your God, your King and redeemer, Yeshua Hamashiach.

Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour in which the Son of Man is coming. – Matthew 25.13

The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. – 2 Peter 3.9

He who testifies to these things says, “Surely I am coming quickly.” Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus! – Revelations 22.20

Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.- Matthew 7.14

“But those who wait on the LORD Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.” – Isaiah 40:31

6 thoughts on “Word for Gods children

  1. What a beautiful message. Just what I needed to hear. When did you receive this message? I felt convicted by the Holy Spirit early this morning to get into His word. And even before I started reading I had tears in my eyes. I felt like I could breathe easier and the words were hitting me hard. And now this message from our Savior has made me feel rejuvenated. Thank you Mel for sending this to us. The world needs to hear this. I feel we have lost our way and need to hear the Shepherd calling his sheep home. Praise God.

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    1. Im so glad sis! I knew everyone needs encoragement right now, everyone is going through stuff and getting weary. So I asked for a word, and didnt expect to get this much and I am grateful. All glory to God! It was yesterday, the 11th, australia time. I didnt post straight away, because I was gathering the scriptures to go with it. Love you sis, God bless you!


  2. Dear Sister in Christ,

    Thank you so much for being faithful to post this (and the other recent post)! These truly sound like the words of Christ. I am encouraged by this as I some times become caught up with immediate and everyday things to the point of feeling that it is “business as usual” and of reverting to the way I thought about life 10 or 15 years ago, as though the end of all things were not upon us. All around me people are buying lands, growing businesses, marrying and giving in marry. Only few seem to prioritize the work of the kingdom and I, in a way, have both ways of thinking. Faith is difficult. When Jesus said, “Let us go to the other side,” (Mark 4:35) the disciples looked at the waves and, thinking like men, did not believe His words (that they would go to the other side). “Without faith, it is impossible to please [God],” and it seems that now we are called to exercise our “mustard seed” of faith as He separates the world.

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    1. You and me both, I often get caught up with day to day life. It’s easy to get lulled back to sleep after waiting for so long too. But we are getting closer and closer to the end. God bless you brother Travis


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