Hi friends and family in Christ,

Please pray for me and my children. I have 4 weeks left until I have to move out of my home. Please pray that God gives us a new home to live in, we need a miracle. We need 5 bedrooms (big family). I won’t go into details, but I really don’t know how we are going to do this. I’m choosing to trust God to provide and fulfill His promise to me somehow, as He promised me a home. He is faithful. 🙏

Please comment your prayer requests below and I’ll pray for you too and we can all pray for each other. God bless you all

10 thoughts on “PRAYER REQUEST

  1. Dear Sister in Christ,

    I have prayed and will plan to continue to pray for your family.

    By way of encouragement, I have been looking for a new place to live also for quite a while and about a month ago God, I believe, connected me with a couple that wants to rent the basement of their house. They are Christian and were willing to work with some idiosyncrasies that I have.

    Remember, it is our God who holds the molecules of every house together in the first place and who knew His plans for you and your children before the dry land was created.

    May He bless you and keep you and grace you with a good coming year!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for this encoragment! I really needed to be reminded of this. Praise God! Im so happy God gave you a home through the couple.
      Praying for you too always, God bless you brother Travis!


  2. Dear Mel
    I will definitely pray for you and your family. You are in my prayers anyways. I know God will deliver to you what you need. We’re getting to move too. From Arizona to Florida. We’re getting ready to put our home on the market. And I need prayers that we find a home that is where God wants us to be. I pray for peace and tranquility for you as well my dear sweet sister. Blessings abundant
    Love Donna

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    1. Thank you so much for praying Donna, it means a lot. I am praying that God gives you a good home in a good location. I have been wondering how you were, I havnt seen you on youtube for a while. Write to me if you like. Love you dear sister, God bless you


  3. Hi Mel! I prayed and will continue to ask for Jesus to guide you. I hope he will find the best home for you and your family. I also need prayer for my friend Nicole. She is struggling to accept christ and the spirit tells me she doesn’t understand the love Jesus has and she has been through a lot that has kept her from accepting Jesus. I want her to accept him before its too late. Blessings to you.
    Love Asher!

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    1. Thank you so much for praying Asher! I am praying for your friend Nicole. She will see the love of Jesus through you. Praying you too also. God bless you Asher! Love from your sister in Christ


  4. Dear Sister in Christ,

    I have been praying for you and gave your prayer request at a Bible study I attend two weeks ago. I hope you are well and that you are seeing a path to a new living situation for yourself and your children.

    I was disappointed that the rapture has not seemed to have happenned yet. Nevertheless, He has promised that He is with us always to the end of the age. Do not give up in trusting our God! Remember what He has shown you and what He has done for each of us, allowing His flesh to be pierced so that our souls can be saved. He is faithful and has promised not to try us beyond what we can bear, but with the trial to also make the way to escape it or to endure it. (1 Corinthians 10:13)

    May His Spirit and His truth comfort your soul even in a difficult time.

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  5. I am glad to hear that your family found a home that will work for you for the time being. Also I was encouraged to read the dream account you posted yesterday. It is an encouragement to not grow weary in sharing the life giving Good News as we see the day approach!

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